
Adventr’s Interactive Digital Video Ads

Really? So you’ll activate the media?

Yeah. We’re now closing distribution deals where we’ll do the distribution for you as well.

We’re now building out educational programs and certification. In a perfect world, we don’t want to make the content. We just want to be the software, but how do we get people to be aware of this and to know how to use it? We need to institutionalize and formalize educational programming.

Is there potential for this platform to become fully integrated within an agency’s own platform, so that if they buy the technology, they can access it through their own stack?

100%. We want to integrate everywhere. I don’t want there to be any surface that we don’t touch over time, if the agency’s systems use commonly accepted protocols.

Whether someone just hit the Share button or it’s paid media, we’re giving you full visibility into that: every country, browser, device, etc. And our engagement rates are pretty extraordinary.

Then you have the content side: What are people choosing? What’s working? What’s converting? What’s not working? Where [do customers] abandon your experience? All of that you have access to here.

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