Life Style

WordPress is a favorite blogging tool of mine and I share tips and tricks for using WordPress here.

  • A Quick Way to Discover Your Personal Beliefs

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! It might seem like a strange question to ask, but I’m going to ask anyway: What personal beliefs do you hold about yourself? I’ll give you a few minutes to think about that one, as it’s a little trickier than you might first imagine. Tricky, isn’t it!  Slave or Master? The reason we find it so…

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  • Kindness Quotes

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! I wanted to put together some kindness quotes for you today as a lot of people think kind people are a a bit of a pushover. Kind people are thought of as naive in some way or they don’t have a handle on human psychology and are…

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  • Strong Women Quotes

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! I wanted to collect some strong women quotes for you today as I was reminded just how strong minded my wife is after speaking to her and being so impressed with her tenaciousness. I totally understand why, throughout history, men have oppressed, ridiculed, put down, and made women to feel like second class citizens. It’s because…

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  • Deep Quotes That Will Change Your View Of Life

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! I’d like to tell you a quick story about how a quote literally helped me change my life. About 14 years ago I started a blog, this blog, and just wrote about the lessons I had learned in my life in the hope that it would help others. Later on when I truly wanted to leave…

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  • Quotes About Hope That Might Just Change your Life

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! I would like to share some quotes about hope that will really lift you somehow, or break that cycle of thinking where you can’t see a way out. There comes a time in our life when we just sit down and despair about life, either a specific part of life or all of it. We feel…

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  • Being Single Quotes

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! I wanted to share some being single quotes with you today as I feel being single has a label attached to it that fosters a ‘pity’ response, and it definitely shouldn’t. Up until the age of 32 I absolutely loved being single, I didn’t care what anybody thought, I laughed when people thought they had to…

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  • Some of Your Personal Beliefs Are Hundreds of Years Old

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! Welcome back to this series talking about your personal beliefs. Today I want to talk about the fact that some of your personal beliefs are hundreds of years old. You might be thinking Steve, I’m only 30, I’m only 20, I’m only 50 or 60 or 70 ro whatever, how can they be hundreds of years…

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  • Why Your Beliefs Are Formed By Seven Years Of Age

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! A lot of people ask me when I’ve done talks and seminars, when I’ve said most of your beliefs are formed by seven years of age. A lot of people say, “That can’t be right. How can most of your beliefs be formed by the age of seven years old?” Well, I’ve told you how beliefs…

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  • Discover My Limiting Beliefs

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! How do you discover your limiting beliefs? Spending a lot of time talking about this always brings up that inevitable question: We all have limiting beliefs that are holding us back in life. In order to help us understand how to discover our limiting beliefs we first have to look at what a belief is. WHAT…

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  • Unethical Life Hacks

    [ad_1] Sharing is caring! We have all read about the life hacks that can change our lives. On the whole, the life hacks we read about are ethical. However, have you read any unethical life hacks? Well here are 17 unethical life hacks that I’ve collected from around the world. Some made me laugh, some made me think that is…

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