Scenario plan immediately
Everything takes much longer than you think it will or should. For example, finding new jobs for team members within the agency or the broader holding company. You will end up reaching out to other team leads, discipline leads, agency directors and resource managers—which all takes time (and multiple meetings).
Also, pitching new work to staff the team against can take months, so move quickly (and get your Business Development team involved asap).
Lead by example
Some days I was better at this than others. Some days all I could do was watch pottery videos and do the massive jigsaw puzzle we had in the center of our office. But I finally realized that the team was watching me do this and that it was unprofessional and full of self pity. So, I focused on moving forward, working hard and finding new things to celebrate. Again, some days were better than others.
What was next for me? Stay and be moved to a new account? Be assigned to a bunch of business development pitches? Leave and go to another agency?
An incredible opportunity presented itself. It’s exciting, hard and terrifying all at the same time. I don’t believe in adages (turn lemons into lemonade and all that) but I can say it’s true that when one door closes, another one opens.
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