Bobbie, a mom-founded baby formula brand, signed four-time Grand Slam tennis champion and new mom, Naomi Osaka, to star in its first major TV campaign “Parents Push Harder.” This marks Osaka’s return to the court after giving birth to her daughter, Shai, who is now six months old.
Bobbie working with Osaka is a partnership that strengthens its brand, sets them apart from competitors and makes a greater impact on the ecosystem. And for Osaka, it’s an opportunity to use her influence to fight for all parents to get more paid time off with their babies.
Here’s what marketers need to keep in mind when aligning their brand to a social cause.
Support a cause that’s aligned to the brand’s mission
Bobbie was started by co-founder Laura Modi, who had struggled on her own feeding journey and wanted to create a trusted, organic baby formula. As a brand, Bobbie recognizes that what you feed your baby is an important part of the overall journey to care for your baby. And how much time you have to bond, feed and care for your newborn is one of the most important things parents struggle with. Because nearly 73% of Americans don’t have paid leave through work.
Bobbie partnered with Osaka to introduce the N.O. Support Grant. They are committed to providing 50 cash grants for 50 families to provide interim support while advocating for federal paid leave. If passed, the Family and Medical Leave Act would give 12 weeks of paid leave and job protection and guarantee a minimum monthly benefit of $580; that’s why each grant from Bobbie is $580 to match the monthly benefit. The brand says: “It’s not a solution, but it’s a start.”
Bobbie recognizes that paid leave and time to bond with your baby is integral to their brand’s mission. Marketers, make sure to understand how your brand plays a larger role in your consumer’s journey. Pick a social cause that’s aligned to what your brand wants to be known for and is core to your mission.
Choose an ambassador who can connect with your consumer
Osaka has decided to exclusively formula-feed her daughter Shai. Osaka is publicly shedding light on an issue not many speak about—the shame mothers can feel about not exclusively breastfeeding. By partnering with Osaka, Bobbie is putting the spotlight on an issue so many of their potential and current customers struggle with.