Although a couple of months have passed since the end of the second season of Loki, it doesn’t hurt to recall this series that was among the most viewed on the Disney+ platform worldwide. After watching the 6 episodes of this part of the series produced by Marvel Studios, I can say that I have enjoyed it a lot, and exactly because it has already ended several weeks ago and surely many things have already been written and read about the story, I will dedicate this article to talk in general about my impressions, so you won’t find many spoilers, although there are some references to things that happen in the development of the episodes, so if for some reason you haven’t watch it yet, it’s up to you to decide if you continue reading.
Going into the matter, this season is focused on learning more about the existence of infinite timelines, although we also discovered that there is a deeper plot related to finding a root, a place, a family, as well as the power to decide what to do with your life and thus continue on your way.
The stories of all the characters are related and also contrast with each other, as they all give examples of the different options they may have in choosing to live their lives in one way or another. Some want to stay in the comfort of what they have known so far and others prefer to go out into the world and seek their way no matter what, although there comes a time when they are also faced with the dilemma of staying in the comfort zone they have found and trying to save that reality no matter what, or to look the well-being of the others, even if that means forgetting their own desires or happiness.
I think the dialogues are very well done, because in all the installments there are quite revealing conversations between the characters that show parts of them that perhaps we had not noticed. I especially like the conversations that Loki has with Sylvie and Mobius, mainly in the last couple of episodes. All these exchanges are the ones that make the main character realize what he should do and to face his feelings and his own conflicts.
I also like the fact that this series shows that fantasy and science fiction can go beyond by portraying human themes such as the freedom to decide and to find a purpose in life. Another strength of the story is that it showcases the dilemmas that the characters live and that are related to their own humanity, because even though some of them are gods or have abilities that an ordinary person would not have, they retain that human element that makes them closer to us and even allows us to identify with them at times.
I consider too that all the audiovisual language of the series is very good as it contributes to enhance the experience and helps to enjoy the story; it’s not distracting and you can perfectly concentrate on what you are watching, while being enriched by the effects, sounds, music, scenery, shots and so on. There are some elements that I consider complement the story, such as the shots of the large spaces, while we see the characters in the middle, as if they were very small which gives a sense of immensity, which I think shows that they are at the mercy of something much bigger than them and very difficult or impossible to control. Also, all those walks through corridors make you feel like everything is in constant movement, just as time is. Another metaphorical element that is also present is the timeline that, as it branches out, is a clear example of the many paths that everyone can take, and the infinite possibilities we have to live our lives.
In general, I can say that I was delighted with this show and especially with this season. I really liked how the story developed and at all times I kept the interest of wanting to know what was going to happen next, and even at the end, although it may be a fairly satisfactory closure for the whole plot (as everything seems to indicate that it will be), we still can keep wondering what else could happen or where this story could continue to move forward.
I definitely recommend this series, especially to fans of fantasy and science fiction, but also to fans of more human stories; I would also say to Marvel fans who have lost a little interest or the illusion of following the MCU for some projects that may not have been very fortunate, that if you have not seen it yet, this is a great opportunity to get interested in the franchise again.
If you’ve already seen it, don’t forget to share your comments in the section below.
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