This Netflix news will travel fast.
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Today, Netflix announced Expedia Group will be its first global advertising partner to activate a multi-market campaign on the streamer’s ad-supported plan throughout 2024.
Between the lines
According to the companies, the new partnership is a significant step as Expedia Group looks to accelerate its global expansion while also reinforcing Netflix’s multi-country advertising offering to marketers and members.
“We’re excited to be working with Expedia, our first global advertising partner,” Amy Reinhard, president of advertising at Netflix, said in a statement. “This first-of-its-kind partnership will offer our engaged ad-supported members contextually relevant ads, making the viewing experience even more enjoyable, while also making Netflix a global destination for our advertising partners.”
The streaming advertising partnership begins in Japan this month as Expedia looks to re-establish its position in a national campaign, with additional markets including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., France, Germany, Australia and Brazil.
Expedia’s global positioning, “Made to Travel,” will be showcased through executions from an in-house creative team. The creative includes a variety of ad format lengths across the countries, such as 15s, 30s and 60s. Several will launch through February, with each ad being localized for language and culture.
The initial Japanese creative, “Two Step,” tells the story of a group of friends traveling to the U.S. for line dancing, and the global brand platform is localized to Japanese culture as “Expedia. Step out. Everyday.”
The spots, directed by Hiro Murai and produced in-house, will largely be 60-second creative, featuring Expedia’s package price tracking tools.
In addition, Expedia Group is an alpha measurement partner in the U.K. and Brazil. As such, the companies are committed to driving product innovation, striving to evolve and improve viewer ad experiences and success measurement.