
International Court of Justice Begins Hearings on Israeli Occupation


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International Court of Justice Begins Hearings on Israeli Occupation

The Palestinian Authority’s foreign minister opened arguments in proceedings on the legality of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. Israel does not recognize the court’s jurisdiction in the matter.

The only solution, consistent with international law, is for this illegal occupation to come to an immediate, unconditional and total end. As you affirmed 20 years ago, the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination. It is an erga omnes right. It is non-negotiable, nonderogable. No occupying power, including Israel, can be granted a perpetual veto over the rights of the people it occupies. Ending Israel’s impunity is a moral, political and legal imperative. Successive Israeli governments have given the Palestinian people only three options: displacement, subjugation or death.

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